The Tener Family

This is a journal kept by Dennis Holmes and friends concerning the Tener Family.
The links below will take you to the "Tener Blue Book" - "TENER: A History of the Family in France, Ireland and America"; and to a Finding Aid.

NEW! Tener Eckelberry: A Life
NEW! The Art of Renee Duke, Tener Eckelberry's First Wife
The Tener Book Site
The Tener Book
Finding Aid
Tener Family Photos
Previous Updates

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Just an update

Having taken a nice, leisurely vacation - which ended up with Ann and I having the opportunity to help her mother after surgery, we are back home.

About Memorial Day I shared a piece about Robert "Robin" Tener - which was written by his son Isaac - a brother of John Kinley Tener I, upon the occasion of Robert/Robin's death. I hope I sent it to all of you - if not, and you want it just e-mail me. I'll then send you the file, and an apology!

As you know, Riggs Eckelberry has very graciously, and generously, begun a web site inside his web site - which deals with The Tener Family. If you have not visited - it can be reached at - - - -

I think he has done a fine job with it. He is solely responsible for the links and the design. I think it is a very fantastic job.

Riggs has suggested another technology and steps are underway to make this also a reality. (**I had been asked about the potential of a web site by a Tener family member in Australia.) Just recently I acquired the web site: !

I have to give the credit for what it becomes to Riggs. When it becomes a 'reality' I'll let you all know. I will be very judicious about any material which goes there - and will be extremely mindful about all of our concerns about privacy.

One other opportunity that I recently became aware of, I have taken advantage of. ROOTSWEB.COM is a for free genealogy web site. There are probably millions of names, and materials available there. The 'new' item that I have 'volunteered' for is to share the research in the Hampden Tener family book, "Tener: A history of the family in France, Ireland and America".

If someone is researching the Tener Family, they can see the 'hit' and e-mail me and I have 'volunteered' to conduct a research inside this book - for specific names! (**I do not think it is any 'violation' that I can think of, because the book itself is available on the shelves of several libraries! I do not know who would control the copyright on the book - any ideas, because Hampden Tener Jr. did not marry and had no issue.

I am hoping that this will open more doors that I have not as of yet been through!

So far I have identified 215 descendents of Hampden Evans Tener I - includes wives. If Hampden E Tener I is the first generation - I have specifics down to the 7th generation - with the newest identified baby born October 2003. There was supposed to be another in May 2004 - but I must admit I am remiss in contacting the happy grandparents! (You know who you are!)

But, in addition, I have also located a large number of descendents of other Tener's - John Kinley Tener I's descendents! And, I am - or have been - in contact with Tener Family in England, France and Australia!

All of this has been a very enjoyable and pleasant experience - and Ann and I have met some wonderful people along the way.

When is up and running, I'll again notify you.

Any questions?

Best regards,

Ann & Dennis Holmes