The Tener Family

This is a journal kept by Dennis Holmes and friends concerning the Tener Family.
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Friday, July 02, 2021

 John Kinley Tener's Fifth Great Granddaughter...

Talia Cruz in JKT I"s 5th great grand daughter.  We have helped care for her for three days a week while her mother, our niece Cameron, and father were working thru the pandemic.  It has been a pure joy watching this child, currently 5 years old, grow, mature and become very self confident and - like many Tener Women, opinionated!  :>)

Cameron decided to take the summer off - to be with her children, Talia and Daniela, but we still get to see the girls because we are blessed to have a back yard big enough to allow some gardening.  And that is where this post comes from!

Cameron enjoys gardening.  So, back in the summer on 2019, among the plantings, were some pumpkin plants.  One of the plants, next to a large Meyer lemon bush, grew up into the lemon bush, and there it grew into a nice sized pumpkin.  Talia was three, and turned four, that summer - and in the Fall she harvested the pumpkin.   

Talia has a wonderful and creative imagination.  Her FIRST BOOK!!!!! was called, "Five Flying Ostriches", and it was written in a day a few months ago.  There is no record of that book because she gifted it to her friend.    This week she created her second book, "The Pumpkin That Wanted To Be A Lemon".  I enjoyed it so much, I decided to share it with you, so sit back and enjoy....

OH!  Talia just graduated from Kindergarden and her lettering is not where it should be for an inspiring author, so the "font" used in this effort is 'Cameron, 16 point' (you see my humor?)....

ENJOY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !