James Wallis - about the man
I recently learned that he had been the editor of the British version of the Millennial Harbinger for the Church of Christ: he had been so for approximately 30 years!
In an on line presentation of:
History of the Church of Christ
(Formerly in Salem Chapel, Barker Gate)
I located a reference to the obituary - I am including it here because it is very telling of the man - James Wallis.
[**Briefly, James Wallis was the father of Susan Wallis who would marry the oldest son of John Kinley Tener I. And as stated previously, another daughter Eliza married John Frost - and their daughter also Eliza (Frost) would marry John Kinley Tener I's son Hampden. In the letters of Mary Francis Evans Tener - JKT I's wife, you will see reference to a James Macrum. James would later marry, on June 22, 1848, another daughter of James Wallis - Hephzibah (the second daughter.]
What follows is the exert:
1867.-It is now our duty to chronicle the death of our venerable Brother and Pastor, James Wallis, who passed away May 17, aged 73 years, in the sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection to eternal life. From the commencement of his christian career down to the time of his decease, a period of 65 years, he was firm and steadfast in his advocacy of Bible truth, always evincing a strong desire to bring others into the same liberty and love of the gospel which he himself enjoyed. Those of us who knew him will remember and recognise the watchfulness and devotion manifested towards the church over which he had the spiritual oversight, together with the fatherly care towards the young of his charge. In this respect we shall ever cherish the feelings of love and gratitude which we owe to the departed for the many kindnesses received from his hands. The following account of the funeral is taken from a Nottingham newspaper:-"At noon, yesterday, the body of Mr. James Wallis, Senior Elder of the community of New Testament Disciples, worshipping at Salem Chapel, Barker Gate, was interred at the General Cemetery in a vault near the Holly Mount entrance, in the presence of a large concourse of spectators, most of whom were attired in funeral habiliments, and who were visibly affected by the sad ceremony. The hearse was followed by six mourning coaches conveying personal friends and relatives of the deceased, among them being his widow, and the cortege was extended to a considerable degree by members of Salem Chapel congregation, who brought up the rear on Foot. Mr. R. Mumby conducted the obsequies, and at times the emotion exerted, was so powerful that he was scarcely able to proceed. In the Chapel he delivered a short address couched in serious and pathetic language which was listened to with great attention, and caused tears to flow from many eyes. They were assembled, he remarked, under very solemn and painful circumstances, a mighty man had fallen, and they had come to pay the last tribute of respect to one whom they all loved, revered, and honoured. In the death of the deceased, the poor had indeed lost a benefactor, the town a worthy inhabitant; diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; sons and daughters a father, an aged mother a husband, the disciples of the Lord a brother, the church of God a pastor, teacher, and guide, and the world a reformer. After calling to mind the sympathy of the deceased for perishing sinners, Mr. Mumby dilated upon the transporting news of the gospel, that the grave had lost its victory and death its sting, commenting on the brevity of life and the certainty of death, administered consolation to the bereaved family and church. The coffin was borne to the grave by six of the 'disciples,' six others acting as pallbearers, and in its descent into the vault it destroyed the beauty and fragrance of numerous flowers strewn within the tomb by those who will not soon forget him whose body has found its final resting place. At the grave side, appropriate passages of scripture were read, and Mr. Mumby again made a few observations principally to the unconverted, the ceremony terminating with prayer." At the General Annual Meeting in August, after many touching references to the career of the departed brother, the following resolution was adopted:-"That this meeting desires to put on record its profound sense of the great loss the churches have sustained in the death of our esteemed and venerable Brother James Wallis, who for many years sustained so well the position of the editor of the "Harbinger," and to express our deep sympathy with the church at Nottingham, and especially with our aged Sister Wallis and her family in their great bereavement, and hopes that the worthy life of him who has been called away will serve as a stimulus to the brethren to greater devotedness to the service of our Lord." Notwithstanding that the church in the providence of God had to suffer this bereavement and loss (the government and guidance being necessarily committed to other hands), we are pleased to record that the spirit of harmony and peace existed very largely amongst the brethren, a good hearing was secured for the proclamation of the gospel, sinners believed and obeyed, the saints were edified and strengthened. The church now numbered 211, no less than 46 having during the year put on the Lord by being immersed into His name; the attendance at the Lord's table, after making every allowance, averaged 150 members. The discipline of the church was also well maintained, the brethren deeming it necessary. for the sake of purity and virtue, to expel 15 individuals whose walk and behaviour were inconsistent with the profession and practice of christianity.
posted Sept. 20, 2004