Mary's Letters - some excerpts
I am including some excerpts from the letters of Mary Tener. Her brother in law, Isaac Tener who was married to Mary’s sister Francis – “Fanny”, left for America in 1849.
Moree, March 7th 1849
. . . . . . I think Isaac will leave Ireland with his family for America this Summer and so I shall not likely ever see my dear Sister again in this life. Robert has been very poorly some time, I think from confinement to the mapping; but hope air and exercise will soon restore his looks.
Moree, June 16th 1849
………. I am busily occupied preparing little matters for Hep's confinement which we expect about the 25 or so. I thought her Mother would have sent her every necessary for herself & infant—Hep. thought so herself and so we lay on our oars and therefore have to speed now. Susan and Priscilla are come. I reserve a portraiture of them for my letter to Ellen. Now that I think of it, I believe last week's paper was not posted to Ellen nor can I find it. We have had a great deal of sickness with our servants—one is still linguering & I fear the issue might be the setting in of decline. We received a letter from John yesterday and if all be well, we may expect him home some time in August. I feel greatly for my sweet Edward being left alone. May the good lord bring the one safely over the deep waters and sustain the other in his loneliness. Oh! what a state of trial is this, physically, mentally, & morally.
. . .. . I expect Fanny & Children here on Monday week for some days—their last visit and our last meeting on this side jourdan, Isaac's auction is over and his beautiful things went for 'a Song.' It was grievous to see it.
Moree, July 12th 1849
Poor dear Isaac left at 3 oclock at night and she with the Children staid till 10 next morning. He went on the van & Robert with him to arrange the luggage and get it on board and George took her and the rest on our car to Armagh to meet the rail. I will not, for I cannot, tell you of that sad morning. Her strength fairly broke down. Clasped in each others arms, on our knees we tried to look up to heaven and mingled our hearts blood together.
Oh! my Sister dear, it would be hard to fellow her. Poor thing, her health is not good. Oh! I am very, very sorry I let her go till Spring. Isaac might have gone and prepared a place for them and they could follow, but thoughts come too late. George and Robert are gone with them to Liverpool and this post brought a line to say they got on well and she says the boys are a great comfort to her as well as help to all.
The 'Wyoming' in which they go sails today--Thursday -- you will breathe a prayer for their safety, my tender friend. When I see you, I will tell you all particulars. Farewell, Fanny dear, good & loving you ever were.
Moree. Oct. 8th (l849)
(and llth)
A letter from my sweet Edward yesterday and one from Isaac who has bought a farm with a house & offices all to his satisfaction and the family are now, as he says, settled for life. They are all well.
In the September 1850 US Census, Isaac Tener was living on a farm in Delaware. He was naturalized as a U.S. Citizen in March 1855 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In April 1880, he was listed in Santa Cruz, CAlifornia - where he worked as a "clerk" in a bank.
In 1897 Fannie died in San Luis Obispo, California. Her obituary does not identify Isaac. It did state that she was living there with her daughter.
In 1898 Isaac died in Los Angeles, CA.
Moree, March 7th 1849
. . . . . . I think Isaac will leave Ireland with his family for America this Summer and so I shall not likely ever see my dear Sister again in this life. Robert has been very poorly some time, I think from confinement to the mapping; but hope air and exercise will soon restore his looks.
Moree, June 16th 1849
………. I am busily occupied preparing little matters for Hep's confinement which we expect about the 25 or so. I thought her Mother would have sent her every necessary for herself & infant—Hep. thought so herself and so we lay on our oars and therefore have to speed now. Susan and Priscilla are come. I reserve a portraiture of them for my letter to Ellen. Now that I think of it, I believe last week's paper was not posted to Ellen nor can I find it. We have had a great deal of sickness with our servants—one is still linguering & I fear the issue might be the setting in of decline. We received a letter from John yesterday and if all be well, we may expect him home some time in August. I feel greatly for my sweet Edward being left alone. May the good lord bring the one safely over the deep waters and sustain the other in his loneliness. Oh! what a state of trial is this, physically, mentally, & morally.
. . .. . I expect Fanny & Children here on Monday week for some days—their last visit and our last meeting on this side jourdan, Isaac's auction is over and his beautiful things went for 'a Song.' It was grievous to see it.
Moree, July 12th 1849
Poor dear Isaac left at 3 oclock at night and she with the Children staid till 10 next morning. He went on the van & Robert with him to arrange the luggage and get it on board and George took her and the rest on our car to Armagh to meet the rail. I will not, for I cannot, tell you of that sad morning. Her strength fairly broke down. Clasped in each others arms, on our knees we tried to look up to heaven and mingled our hearts blood together.
Oh! my Sister dear, it would be hard to fellow her. Poor thing, her health is not good. Oh! I am very, very sorry I let her go till Spring. Isaac might have gone and prepared a place for them and they could follow, but thoughts come too late. George and Robert are gone with them to Liverpool and this post brought a line to say they got on well and she says the boys are a great comfort to her as well as help to all.
The 'Wyoming' in which they go sails today--Thursday -- you will breathe a prayer for their safety, my tender friend. When I see you, I will tell you all particulars. Farewell, Fanny dear, good & loving you ever were.
Moree. Oct. 8th (l849)
(and llth)
A letter from my sweet Edward yesterday and one from Isaac who has bought a farm with a house & offices all to his satisfaction and the family are now, as he says, settled for life. They are all well.
In the September 1850 US Census, Isaac Tener was living on a farm in Delaware. He was naturalized as a U.S. Citizen in March 1855 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In April 1880, he was listed in Santa Cruz, CAlifornia - where he worked as a "clerk" in a bank.
In 1897 Fannie died in San Luis Obispo, California. Her obituary does not identify Isaac. It did state that she was living there with her daughter.
In 1898 Isaac died in Los Angeles, CA.